
At the end of 2016 De Ster and De Lelie were handed over by the municipality of Rotterdam to Stadsherstel Historisch Rotterdam NV. Stichting Molens aan de Kralingse Plas, founded on June 11, 2004, manages the mills and consists entirely of volunteers.


The objectives of the foundation are:

  • Sustainable use and preservation of the historic windmill complex De Ster and de Lelie
  • Increase awareness among Rotterdammers and tourists
  • Ensuring the continuity of knowledge and experience about the production of snuff and the grinding of spices
  • Maintain and further investigate the history of the mills, both the complex and the processes

Future plans

In the future, we want to expand our activities to further achieve our objectives. A short overview of our plans:

  • Further promotion of the windmills via the various Rotterdam information channels for tourists and cooperation with entrepreneurs around the Kralingse Plas.
  • Expand grinding and selling spices.


To fulfill the objectives, an enthusiastic team of millers, apprentice millers and other volunteers do the following activities:

  • Open up and operate the mills
  • Give guided tours
  • Grinding of spices
  • Demonstate production of snuff tobacco
  • Sell on windforce ground spices
  • Maintenance to the mills and the yards
  • Research into the history of mills and snuff and the production of snuff tobacco
  • Promotion of the mills among Rotterdammers and tourists

We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help us with this! We are especially looking for people who like it to give guided tours. Interested? Come along or:

Contact us via email

Foundation board

The board of Stichting Molens aan de Kralingse Plas consists of:

  • Andries Ponsteen (chairman)
  • Jan Bakker (treasurer)
  • Jeroen Stricker (secretary)
  • Til Kroes
  • Wendy Voorwinde

The foundation is registered with the Chamber of Commerce Rotterdam under number 24.363.494 and the RSIN/tax number of the foundation is RSIN 8133.30.221.

The members of the board do not receive a remuneration for their work for the foundation. Our foundation has the Dutch ANBI status.

Our foundation works in accordance with a privacy protocol. You can view or download the privacy protocol here.

©2025 Stichting Molens aan de Plas - All rights reserved.